Gold Sovereign Value by Currency

By far the most popular post on our blog (to date) is our ‘How much is my gold Sovereign worth?‘ article, which looks at the up-to-date gold Sovereign value in US Dollars, UK Pounds and Euros.

Over the past few months, we’ve been aware this article (and indeed the whole site) is being used as a reference guide by overseas visitors who’s currency may be something other than those quoted. To address this, we hope the following table is of help, which lists the value of a gold Sovereign in a total of 13 different currencies.

Gold is traded on the international commodity markets using the US Dollar. Therefore, the value of a Sovereign in other currencies is also subject to the prevailing exchange rate.

The quick method of working out the bullion value of a gold Sovereign

If you ever need to quickly calculate the bullion value of a Sovereign, take the prevailing gold price (in Troy ounces) and multiple by 0.235 – this will give you the current value to within a few pence.

Gold Sovereign value by currency

Our current chart lists the value in 13 currencies.

Currency Gold Sovereign Value
US Dollar $ 622.36
UK Pound £ 498.11
Euro € 600.73
Australian Dollar $ 998.54
Brazilian Real $ 3,791.22
Canadian Dollar $ 892.56
Swiss Franc CHF 565.62
Chinese Yuan ¥ 4,556.66
Indian Rupee ₹ 53,404.95
Japanese Yen ¥ 98,439.13
Mexican Peso ₱ 12,644.07
Russian Ruble ₽ 66,745.60
South African Rand ZAR 11,649.12


Don’t forget, the above table simply gives you the bullion value of a Sovereign, based on its gold content. There are many coins that are worth much more than this due to their scarcity and/or condition.

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